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The Official Intuit Guide to QuickBooks 2013 for Windows
Your bookkeeping workflow will be smoother and faster with QuickBooks 2013 for Windows, and as the program's Official Guide, this Missing Manual puts you firmly in control. You get step-by-step instructions on how and when to use specific features, along with basic accounting advice to guide you through the learning process.
The important stuff you need to know:
- Get started. Set up your accounts, customers, jobs, and invoice items quickly.
- Follow the money. Track everything from billable time and expenses to income and profit.
- Keep your company financially fit. Examine budgets and actual spending, income, inventory, assets, and liabilities.
- Spend less time on bookkeeping. Use QuickBooks to create and reuse bills, invoices, sales receipts, and timesheets.
- Find key info fast. Rely on QuickBooks’ Search and Find features, as well as the Vendor, Customer, Inventory, and Employee Centers.
- Exchange data with other programs. Move data between QuickBooks, Microsoft Office, and other programs.
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